The Locker Room

10-Minute Glute Workout For Runners

Strong glutes are vital to becoming a strong, efficient, injury-proof runner 

  • Run-Specific Glute Exercises For A Stronger Body
  • Easy to Follow Video With Technique Instructions
  • Designed By Physio and Ultra Runner Mark Green.

10 Minute Glute Workout For Runners

Create Your Strong Glutes Now — $8.00
glute workout for runners

Learn How To Strengthen Your Lazy Butt!

Too much sitting makes our hip flexors overactive and tight, and it makes our glutes lazy. Having lazy glutes changes our posture when we run, and reduces our running efficiency, which ultimately leads to pain and injury.

The good news though is that with the right combination of exercises, performed in the right order, this problem is fixable.

This 10-minute glute workout is made up of a number of different exercises which help to support your posture, stabilise your hips and pelvis, and drive your bodyweight forwards when you run.

With Stronger Glutes You Can Run Further And Faster

When time is scarce, runners usually skip strength and mobility exercises in favour of running.

  • 50 minutes of running plus this 10 minute glute routine will improve your running more than just another 60 minute run!
  • If you have enough time to run, you HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR STRENGTH, it just needs to become a priority.
  • The 10-minute workout has been designed to compliment your existing training plan.
  • No equipment is required
  • Complete the workout 2-3 times per week to improve your overall strength and stability.
  • Whether you are new to running or if you've just entered your next ultra marathon, a strong butt is essential for correct running form.

A great investment you can make in your running

Only 10 minutes a day

10 Minute Glute Workout For Runners

Get Your Glutes Firing Now — $8.00

fix your lazy glutes
Mark Green


Owner of Physiotherapy Clinic The Body Mechanic and Founder of The Locker Room

Learn from the experts

Created by physiotherapist and elite endurance runner, Mark Green, The 10 minute Glute Workout for Runners, is part of his training regime and the training plans he creates for his runners.

Owner of Physiotherapy clinic, The Body Mechanic, and founder of The Locker Room, an online training portal for runners, Mark, has helped thousands of runners improve their running and achieve their race goals.

His holistic approach to training, including strength, mobility, nutrition and running technique is designed to help you move better almost immediately.

Get INSTANT Access To Your Run Specific Glute Workout Now

Only 10 minutes a day

Run Further, Faster, Injury Free

10 Minute Glute Workout For Runners

Start Improving Your Glute Strength — $8.00

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to get the video?

Immediately. Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide. When you login, your video will be available to view online, with detailed instructions on how to complete each exercise.

When should I do the strength workout?

Ideally 2 -3 times per week.  You should try and do this on your rest day or easy run days to make sure you get the maximum benefits

Why only $8?

If you are thinking that is too cheap, what is the catch? There are two main reasons that should put your mind at ease.

1. As a physio and passionate runner, I see so many injuries that could have been avoided by good body maintenance. This workout has been designed so every runner can achieve their full potential.

2. I also believe that once you experience the benefits of this Strength workout, you'll want more and maybe…just maybe…you'll come back, buy more and possibly even upgrade to The Body Mechanic Locker Room Membership where you get access to our Complete Training Programs.

Why is the strength workout only 10 min?

In my experience, if your Body Maintenance routine is too long or too complicated, most runners simply wont do it.  This Strength workout has the Essential exercises you need to make the most of your time.

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