Foam roll your calf muscles
Tight calf muscles is one of the most common complaints or issues I have seen over my 20 years working as a physiotherapist treating runners. There is no escaping the fact that when we run, we put a lot of stress on the legs, the lower legs in particular.
If you have tight calf muscles, and stretching doesn't seem to be helping, then try foam rolling them to see if that helps to reduce the tension.
Hi Mark,
Over the past 2 weeks I have been noticing an increasing “niggle” in my right calf during a run and often in my hamstring as well. Prior to UTA 50 I had issues with my medial gluteal muscle which doesn’t seem too bad now but the wheels seem to be coming off elsewhere (always on my right side). I’m suffering through foam rolling as per your videos but was wondering what the difference is between the blue foam roller in your video (which I have) and the hard knobbly ones I’ve seen around. I’m assuming the blue one is fine?
Hi Simone,
The blue foam rollers are fine for your quads and ITBs, but I am actually about to create a video for using a trigger point ball for massaging your calf muscles – they get in quite a bit deeper. Having said that, it sounds like your issue could be nerve related, so you should try doing three exercises to try and help it.
If you free up your back and sort out the nerve, then the hamstring and calf should settle down. Let me know how you go.